Sea to Summit designs and manufactures the best possible outdoor gear. We choose the highest quality materials, build to the most exacting manufacturing standards, and test products rigorously.
We proudly stand behind our gear: all Sea to Summit products carry a lifetime warranty against defects in workmanship and materials to the original owner for the intended life of the product under normal use (subject to proof of purchase from an authorised Sea to Summit reseller).
Sea to Summit’s liability for warranty claims will be limited to repair, exchange, replacement, or credit of the purchase price, view our full warranty policy here.
Articles in this section
- How do I submit a Warranty claim?
- How long does the Warranty process take?
- What is the Sea to Summit Warranty Policy?
- How can I expedite my Warranty claim?
- If I bought my gear second-hand, can I warranty it?
- What isn’t covered?
- If I have a discontinued item, can I still submit a Warranty claim for it?
- My new product isn't quite what I was hoping for, can I submit a Warranty claim to exchange it for a different product?
- How do I know if my item qualifies for warranty?
- The performance of my product is not what I had hoped for, can I submit a warranty claim for a new item?