There seems to be mould growing on my air sprung cell sleeping mat, what can i do about it? There seems to be mould growing on my air sprung cell sleeping mat, what can i do about it?

There seems to be mould growing on my air sprung cell sleeping mat, what can i do about it?

Please know that the mould is not growing inside your mat. The antimicrobial treatment on the interior TPU of the mat is permanent, and incredibly effective at preventing any growth inside the mat.

If mould is forming in the exterior of the mat, it is likely that the mat has been put away damp. Even if you did not experience precipitation or other obvious moisture on a trip, condensation can occur between the relatively warm mat and the cold floor of a tent. A rolled-up mat is the perfect environment for mould to develop on the exterior of the mat.

Treat the mould with an enzyme cleanser and a non-abrasive sponge. It will not eliminate the black spots, but it will kill the mould that causes them. Allow the mat to completely air dry before packing it again.